Magazine practical task evaluation

1) 2) I think I have fully succeeded in completing my magazine. However, i originally picked a different magazine to make, but didn't do that one as I cam across this and thought it was better suited to me. 3) I think that my work looks fairly professional along side these magazine covers. The style and colour-scheme matches, the look of the models and central image, barcode etc. 4) I believe that the strongest aspect of my work is the central image, it looks very professional and uses direct address which is what they all use. 5) The weakest aspect was probably thinking of cover lines to match the central image, you have to use something unique,and i wanted to create my own feel to the magazine, so fashion and beauty is the theme of my magazine. 6) I would plan differently, so make sure to look at all the options first as i originally picked another magazine and planned and researched on it which wasted my time.