Magazine practical task research

2) The reason I have chosen these three magazines is because they are fashion magazines, however they have used simple techniques to convey fashion.
The magazine that I will be using is: Modern Salon. The reason I have chosen this magazine is because it is a fashion magazine, but its main focus is hairstyling (which will be easy for the photoshoot.) This magazine tends to revolve around one main idea. They use soft, but bold colours and the model isn't in a fixed position so my model can be flexible. What reinforces this idea further is the numerous cover lines at the front and occasionally some stats so makes it different from other magazines.
3) These are the different styles of Modern Salon magazines.

We can see how this magazine is already well established as the central model is blocking the masthead. Additionally, the title is a very sophisticated serif font and tall lettering which attracts a younger female audience and as a result makes them feel elegant. You can see how they use capital letters and a larger font size (san-serif) to make the magazine cover lines stand out. The colour scheme of the front cover isn't fixed, so it alternates between every magazine, however the colour scheme matches on every magazine. They deliberately use a contrast of bold colours on lighter colours. The bold font and colours connote confidence and inspiration so this makes the audience inspired to be different and stand out.The language they use on the front cover headlines are quite formal so you can see that this isn't aimed at a child audience, more young adult females in their 20's. Direct address has been used in some of their magazines to have intimacy with the reader so the audience is more likely to connect with him, however they don't all use eye-contact. The magazines have used a mid-shot for their central image because it exposes fashion and is more likely to attract the audience. Due to this magazine specialising in hairstyles, we can see how each magazine uses a different style, but keeps it casual in some magazines.
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