The Sims FreePlay case study part 3 - Representations
Textual analysis 1) The extension packs both reinforce and challenge stereotypes: Reinforce: gender stereotypes (colours- boys had a blue room and girls had a pink room, and activities- boys playing guitars and girls do ballet), consumer culture, white dominance, capitalism- if you work hard you will succeed and also work hard and be able to spend money. Challenge: some ethnic diversity. 2) Stereotypes in Sims Freeplay: Gender stereotypes- conventional White dominance- upper class 3) Media theories: Gilroy- "double conscioussness" Van Zoonen-"identity is constructed through media language" Dyer- "those with power stereotype those with less power" Butler- "gender is a performance" Representation reading Forbes article on gender and racism in The Sims franchise 1) Rather than realism The Sims seeks out to be "believable" - so they give you that feeling of love, relationships and heartbreak but don...