
Showing posts from January, 2020

The Sims FreePlay case study part 3 - Representations

Textual analysis 1) The extension packs both reinforce and challenge stereotypes: Reinforce: gender stereotypes (colours- boys had a blue room and girls had a pink room, and activities- boys playing guitars and girls do ballet), consumer culture, white dominance, capitalism- if you work hard you will succeed and also work hard and be able to spend money.  Challenge: some ethnic diversity. 2) Stereotypes in Sims Freeplay:   Gender stereotypes- conventional  White dominance- upper class 3) Media theories: Gilroy- "double conscioussness" Van Zoonen-"identity is constructed through media language" Dyer- "those with power stereotype those with less power" Butler- "gender is a performance" Representation reading Forbes article on gender and racism in The Sims franchise 1) Rather than realism The Sims seeks out to be "believable" - so they give you that feeling of love, relationships and heartbreak but don...

The Sims FreePlay case study part 2 - Industries

Regulation – PEGI 1) VSC: a n Administrator of the PEGI age rating system which is used in over 30 countries throughout Europe.   "In 2012 the PEGI system was incorporated into UK law and the VSC was appointed as the statutory body responsible for the age rating of video games in the UK using the PEGI system.  In the UK, PEGI 12, 16 and 18 rated games are legally enforceable and cannot be sold to anyone under those respective ages."   2) Key statistics:  12000+ games rated 8000+ apps rated 1987 member outlets 30 years in operation 3) The purpose of PEGI is to provide useful imformation about age ratings in videogames. "W e will supply detailed consumer information about the content of the games with PEGI ratings." 4) Age ratimgs:   3: The majority of games in this category do not contain anything that requires rating or warrants a content warning. Games given this rating are considered suitable for all age groups.   Some viol...

The Sims FreePlay case study part 1 - Language & Audience

Language / Gameplay analysis The Sims: FreePlay trailer  1) Autonomy - the gamer is given "LIMITLESS CONTROL" and responsibility over everything. Power, agency, FPP, career, animal interaction, finding true love, growing your family, create your home, 'design a dream'. 2) Audience - all ages-pleasures for different modes, tween, 12+, working class, aspirers, strugglers and diverse. 3) Audience pleasures- diversion, being in control, visceral pleasure, autonomy and voyeuristic pleasure. The Sims FreePlay- walk through 1) 3 PP, in control, 360 camera angle, adverts, creating a town and simulacra. 2) Target audience- aspirers, strugglers, and 12+. 3) Audience pleasures - being in control, autonomy, interaction, personal identity and relationships, customisation, reinforce ideologies of capitalist ideas- earning to spend, materialism and consumerism. 4) The use of adverts - they waste time. Audience 1)  Critics reviews:  Average rating 4.5 ...