The Sims FreePlay case study part 2 - Industries

Regulation – PEGI

1) VSC: an Administrator of the PEGI age rating system which is used in over 30 countries throughout Europe.  "In 2012 the PEGI system was incorporated into UK law and the VSC was appointed as the statutory body responsible for the age rating of video games in the UK using the PEGI system.  In the UK, PEGI 12, 16 and 18 rated games are legally enforceable and cannot be sold to anyone under those respective ages." 

2) Key statistics: 
  • 12000+ games rated
  • 8000+ apps rated
  • 1987 member outlets
  • 30 years in operation
3) The purpose of PEGI is to provide useful imformation about age ratings in videogames. "We will supply detailed consumer information about the content of the games with PEGI ratings."

4) Age ratimgs: 
  •  3: The majority of games in this category do not contain anything that requires rating or warrants a content warning. Games given this rating are considered suitable for all age groups.
     Some violence in a comical context or child-friendly setting is acceptable, as is nudity when shown in a completely natural and non-sexual manner such as breast feeding.
  • 7: Any game that would normally be rated at 3 but contains some possibly frightening scenes or sounds may be considered suitable in this category. A little more violence is permissible at PEGI 7. It is always unrealistic and often directed towards fantasy characters, though very mild non-realistic violence to humans may also feature. Implied violence (for example the bombing of a city where violence is not seen directly) is also dealt with at this level.
  • 12: At a PEGI 12 level more detailed and realistic looking violence towards fantasy characters is allowed. Any violence towards human characters must look unrealistic unless it consists of only minor or trivial injury such as a slap. Sexual posturing of the type often seen in music videos is also allowed at this level as is sexual innuendo.Some bad language is allowed but it can be no more than mild swearing. At PEGI 12, games may provide some instruction on casino-style gambling, for example they can feature an explanation of the rules for Blackjack or Poker. This descriptor also appears on PEGI 16 and PEGI 18 games. A game at this level may feature horror content such as strong threat and dread or graphic injury details.
  • !:  Storefronts
  • 16:At the 16 level you can expect to see more mature and realistic violence against human characters. The game may deal heavily with death and injury to humans. Sexual activity can be shown but it must not include visible genitals. Depictions of erotic nudity may feature.
    The worst forms of bad language can be heard and will often include sexual expletives.
    Prominent use of tobacco and alcohol may be featured, as well as the use of illegal drugs. The game could glamorise crime.
  • 18: The adult classification is applied when the level of violence is both realistic or severe in nature, often being graphic with blood and gore.  The game may include detailed descriptions of criminal techniques, or it may in some way glamorise the use of illegal drugs. Encouragement of tobacco or alcohol may also be included.  Sexual activity with visible genital organs may be shown. If a game is released physically in the UK and is likely to attain an R18 rating, the game will be referred to the BBFC for classification.
5) PEGI process for rating a game:
  • Content declaration assessment - the game developer tells them what features in the game and about anything that may raise a concern. PEGI provides the developer with  a provisional rating for advertising purposes.
  • Submission materials - developer provides PEGI with evidence of the game footage
  • Video footage examination - the video footage of the game is analysed by PEGI to make sure the assessment matches the actual game footage
  • Game examination - they test out the actual game and check to see side-effects of the content in the game.
  • Receive the PEGI Licence -  formal licence is given to the developer.

The ‘Freemium’ gaming model

Business Insider feature on freemium gaming and multiplayer games

1) The initial game is free to download and play. However, the game is limited and there are in-app purchases to unlock premium levels.

2) Gamers believe that freemium is ruining games as the whole experience is ruined. It foreshadows how the future of games will be paying for them instead of getting them for free. 

3) Positives of the freemium model:
  • they can sample and test the game before they commit and buy the full product.
New York Times feature on freemium gaming

1)  Temple Run used the freemium model because they noticed that as soon as the game was free, there was a huge increase in numbers of downloads. 

2) EA are now embracing the freemium model because it is a main source of revenue for companies.  

3)  Peter Farago suggest independent game makers benefit more from the freemium model than the major publishers like EA because it will be easier for independent game makers to start from scratch and then produce freemium games at a high standard. Whereas EA would have to change their approach in order to make the freemium model work.

Electronic Arts

Pocket Gamer interview with EA’s Amanda Schofield

1) The Sims Freeplay has evolved since the game first launched as we can see how the construction and detailing within the game has become more hyper-realistic through the intracity- it is an example of Baudrillards 'Simulacra'.

2) She suggests that games aren't products because they are now built depending on what the players want. 

3) The Sims Freeplay community is a very close one. They are involved in the development processes as the developers like to keep them in the loop about new updates and have their feedback. 

4) The game is constantly updated to keep their players satisfied and engaged. The audiences feel a sense of personal identification with the idealism surrounding the world that they have created- players become attached to their Sims world. 


  • Over 200m installs of the Sims Freeplay
  • 78,000 game time (in years)

Blog on how EA is ruining the franchise

1) Audience pleasures:
  • Diversion- 'real life simulation'
  • Personal identity and relationship- 'tale of love and heartbreak.'
2) Examples of downloadable content:

  •  Extension packs- cats and dogs
  • Star Wars battlefront characters 
3) Audiences were enraged as they removed a lot of the content that should have been included in the game and made players purchase it. 

  • Customise gender options/increased diversity present in the game.
  • Hyper-reality.
  • Pregnancy etcs
  • Mods
5) Do expansion packs like these exploit a loyal audience or is it simply EA responding to customer demand.

In my opinion I believe that it is a combination of both, so to an extent yes, but can be argued both ways. Due to having a loyal fan base EA are able to easily exploit their customers by making them pay extra for content because they know what  their audiences are in to so can market it in a strategic way. However, due to EA  being a very large and established company it needs to meet its customer demands in order to keep their fanbase, even if it means making them pay because they can't make a loss- at least they give you a sample of the game so you don't need to commit if you don't like it. 


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