Newspapers: Story 3- The i

1) Title: Blood test to diagnose prostate cancer could be available within five years. 

Date: 9/03/2020

2) Summary: Prostate cancer can be detected at early stages by a simple blood test. It can be available within 5 years. They can also see what the best way to treat a cancer patient is depending on their results.

3) Appeal to audience:

  • Surveillance: interesting to know how technology in sciences is always changing and that new information is being found.
  • Personal relationships: people with this type of cancer can relate to this.
  • The i are much more inclusive and well-balanced in their news stories approach. 

4) This is an example of quality journalism to an extent due to the valuable scientific information, however, the end of the article kind of drifts off so could have elements of click-bait.


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