'Reading an image'

Image result for nike advert


This advert is to promote trainers. We can see how Nike is promoting sports and an active lifestyle.


The connotations of this advert is to promote sports and to get younger people more involved in sports and a healthy active lifestyle. The Slogan directly engages with the audience, therefore showing the brands relevance and power.

Target Audience

I believe that the target audience for this product is young teenagers. This is because of the bright and vibrant colours used and the style of the trainers. Additionally, the font of the typography is san serif, therefore showing that the brand is modern and up to date. This would appeal to the younger generation because Nike would become urban. However, this product may be appealing toward people who are into to fitness or sports. This is because Nike is a major brand that promotes sport. Also, the colours used in this advert are neutral so can be attractive towards males and females.


The colours used in this advert are very vibrant and colourful. This immediately engages with the audience because it shows how the brand creates fresh and young products, so they can be seen as more advanced and superior in the way that they have new creations. The fact that the background is white makes the black text stand out and look bold. The colour in the background is monochrome and de-saturated. This may have been done on deliberate because the background isn't the main focus of the advert. Furthermore, the bright, green sole of the shoe stands out, suggesting that it is dominant. Also, all the colours used for the trainers compliment the colour scheme of the advert.


The main purpose of this advert is to sell the products- Trainers. The trainers are the main focus of the advert and are therefore deliberately placed in the centre of the image. Also, the big and bold text instantly catches the readers attention as it persuades the reader to buy the trainers. The full stop at the end of the text is significant because it suggests that it is a statement and makes it more effective by having a dramatic effect. Also, the fact that there is a Slogan almost challenges the reader as its interrogating them and persuading them to buy the shoes.


The main purpose of this advert is to sell the products- Trainers. The trainers are the main focus of the advert and are therefore deliberately placed in the centre of the image. The bold text is deliberately placed at the top because this is what first catches the attention of people. Moreover, the logo and the slogan are placed at the bottom of the page. This is done on deliberate by the promoters because, it's the natural way a person would read a text, from the top to the bottom, so it goes with the eye flow. Additionally, this will be the last thing that the reader will read and therefore have a longer lasting impression on them of the brand and its product. However, the logo of the brand isn't quite big. This may be due to the fact that Nike is already a well established brand and doesn't need its logo to dominate the page.


The image of the products that are promoted are significantly large as the readers need to be able to see what they are buying- it's a powerful central image because of the eye-catching colours. Additionally, the big lettering and typography dominates the page as this is what first catches the readers attention. Also, the Nike logo on the shoe is visible so they know that what they are buying is of good quality and produced from a well known brand and will always have dominance. Moreover, the slogan and the logo are at the bottom of the page and are quite small. This may be because Nike is already a well established and well known brand so it doesn't need any more advertising.

Type of shot

The picture of the trainers is a close up. This may be because the readers need to know what they are buying and what the producers are selling. One angle of the shoe is from the side- so the Nike logo is visible and one is taken from the back of the trainer. This allows the reader to have a clear visual of the whole shoe.

Subject Matter

The subject of this photograph is to promote the trainers and for people to purchase the products. This is why the trainers are deliberately placed in the middle of the advert image. Additionally, the slogan at the bottom uses direct mode of address, therefore immediately catching the audiences eye.


It is unclear to see where the photograph was taken because of the plain background, however it is most likely to be taken indoor in the studio and then photo shopped.


The lighting of this advert is bright- so you can see the product you are purchasing. The lighting affects your mood because it makes you feel refreshed because of the lighter colours. This suggests that the product is aimed at the younger generation because of the vibrant colours.


There aren't any people in this photograph. However the images of the trainers shows us both sides of the trainers.


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