Audience Theory 1

Hypodermic needle model

1) This is a crude theory from the 1920s that suggests the media injects information into the audience like a hypodermic needle and therefore can have a dangerous effect on us. This theory is supported as this article suggests that children playing video games will act violently and aggressively because they learn this behaviour playing and watching video games.

2) This links to the hypodermic needle theory because the cover-line says that the 15 year old boy is a 'violent video game addict who rarely leaves his room'. Therefore this suggests that it links to model because the Newspaper is influencing the audience to judge the boy by describing him in this way.

Some may criticise this front page because it only specifies that he behaves like this because of the video games, but the media doesn't consider any other aspects.

The two-step flow model

1) The two-step flow model was developed in the 1940s because the hypodermic needle theory was considered too simplistic, assuming the audience consumed media without thinking. It suggests the audience are influenced by ‘opinion leaders’ in the media who mediate how the audience react to media texts. The theory suggests the media is not all-powerful and that social factors are important. I believe that the two-step flow model is still relevant to an extent, however the audience are able to make their minds about certain media texts these days, as some media texts may be viewed as polysemic. This is reinforced through Stuart Hall's 'Reception Theory'.

2) This YouTube blogger fits in with the model because he is an opinion leader. He is a gaming critic and focuses on gaming. Additionally, the fact that he has over 2 million subscribers suggests that a lot of people take his opinion seriously and into account. Therefore suggesting that he influences the audience. Also, the fact that he is public suggests that his views are viral, therefore open to people around the world.

3) This article shows numerous wealthy leaders, which some may consider as role model. They are opinion leaders, for example, Little Mix- singers and Wayne Rooney- very successful footballer. I believe that these accounts have the influence over their audience since they are continuously active on their accounts and clearly have a lot to say about certain topics. Additionally, they would have a mass amount of people following them so its easier for the followers to be influenced by them.

4) Jamal Edwards links to the two-step flow model because he can be seen as an opinion leader- " From a teenager on a council estate in west London to self-made multimillionaire" This suggests that he became successful by making his own YouTube channel and this features "typically music videos featuring rap and pop music stars". He can be seen as an opinion leader as the article states that "his videos on YouTube, put up under the name SBTV (the SB stands for SmokeyBarz, Jamal's own rapping nickname) started to get hundreds of thousands of hits" This reinforces how he has influenced a lot of people because of the amount following him.

Dependency theory

1) I believe that the amount of people that have become dependent on media have increased. This is because lots of people rely on E-media to get updates, such as Instagram or Twitter. So they just believe what they see. However, this may also depend on the age of people. This is because nowadays usually the younger generations are more active on social media and rely to get updates on that, but older people, who may have old fashioned traditions may still read newspapers or watch the news, this gives them a wider range of facts and opinions and are able to make up their own mind.

2) The use of new and digital technology has massively influenced people as people have become increasingly dependent on it in the last 15 years. Nowadays on social media people only read what they want to or what they are interested in, so they are living in their echo-chambers and only believing what they see and what they think is right. I believe that this is a problem because sometimes what they are reading could be fake or seem more exaggerated than it really needs to be, for example peoples views on political issues. Additionally, we can see how people have become more dependent because some people are making money from the media like blogging on YouTube or Instagram.

3) Reflecting on my own media use I believe that my media consumption doesn't really impact my emotions, this is because I don't really spend much time on social media, I usually just hear or see about what's happening. In terms of having a positive or negative impact on my health it depends on what news I have heard. Obviously, if its something about people being hurt or dying then it would impact me. This is because situations like this are meaningless, so it would make me angry, but this is a short term reaction. However, overall, I don't let what the media have said get in the way of my health or wellbeing.


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