Audience theory: Uses and gratifications


Image result for eastenders problems
Diversion- TV would be watched to escape reality, such as your own problems. Allows you to indulge in situations that don't concern you, but also relax and have some time away from reality. E.g. someone may watch EastEnders to see what problems are going on in other peoples lives.

Personal Relationship- TV would be watched by people to understand the problems for characters in TV programs and possibly put themselves in their situation and gain affection. E.g. Neighbours

Personal Identity- TV could be used for identity as some programs may allow us to explore what we are really like or could be like. An example of this is Fresh Prince.

Surveillance- TV could be watched as people may want to find out important information by watching the news on TV to see the problems going on around the world, weather or traffic updates. E.g. BBC News at 13:00

Other Broadcasts

Diversion- Other broadcasts such as radio would allow you to escape reality as you would be listening to music for enjoyment, this allows you to relax. E.g. Capital

Personal Relationship- By going to the cinema with your friends makes you more socially interactive and makes you feel better. E.g. Going to the cinema

Personal Identity- By listening to the radio you may hear stories that you could resemble yours. E.g.  Talk shows

Surveillance- The radio allows us to find out the latest news, weather, traffic updates and financial stuff. The radio also gives news hourly. E.g. Talk sport or BBC Radio.

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Diversion- By reading soft news allows you to indulge in gossip and issues in celebrity lives. Therefore allows you to escape reality by seeing other problems. E.g. OK

Personal Relationship- By reading news about other people in newspapers may make you feel emotional as it could be a sad story. E.g. People

Personal Identity- Sometimes there are questions written on the front of magazine which could be addressing people like themselves, this would allow them to reflect on their actions/situations/problems. E.g. Newspapers- The Guardian or Magazines- OK

Surveillance- Magazines keep you updated on the latest fashion trends and soft news. E.g. Vogue or Bazaar


Related imageDiversion- Some people may have Instagram or Facebook for entertainment purposes as they are able to see what others are up to. E.g. Instagram

Personal Relationship- Some people may have social media for interaction with other people, maybe people who they don't see everyday or live abroad. E.g. Facebook

Personal Identity- People may like to watch or read media texts because they can compare their life experiences with others experiences. E.g. Instagram or Twitter

Surveillance- Social media may be important to the audience as its even faster than the news, so they can easily get updated on specific information or things they want to know. E.g. Offers or traffic news on social media.


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