MIGRAIN October assessment learner response

1) Grade A
    Mark- 41/49

Teacher's feedback:

WWW- Your analysis of each product is tight and detailed, showing a clear application and understanding of a number of media theories. Well done!

EBI- I would say you just need to focus on your own arguments more and use detail from texts in conjunction with theory to prove your assertions. Sometimes you list theory when you need to apply it.

2) Things I missed out in each question:

  1. ---
  2. To connote all the gossip/variety
  3. Steve Neale- repetition and difference, audience gratification.
  4. Tighten analysis to improve quality of writing, don't be simple.
3) Alternative Paper-
  1. ----
  2. To connote all the gossip/variety
  3. Steve Neale- repetition and difference, audience gratification.
  4. Tighten analysis to improve quality of writing, don't be simple.
4) I didn't get any media terminology wrong, but i missed out theories that i could have used, such as, Steve Neale's repetition and difference. I could have said more about audience gratification and how genre helps then understands.

5) My strongest question-Question 1 (7/8)- no timing issue, fairly easy for me to apply my knowledge. I revised narrative theory the most.

6) My weakest question- Question 3 (7/9)- I missed out on Steve Neale's theory- repetition and difference. I could have said more about audience gratification.

7) Question 3- LR.

Genre may provide economic benefits to media institutions because the institutions are the ones who deliver the product and the audiences are the ones who consume. A media theorist , Tolson, claimed that "genre mediates between industry and audience" (1996), which illustrates how industries provide and audiences consume if they like the product- they may enjoy this for a variety of reasons such as surveillance, personal identity, personal relationships or diversion. Another theorist, Buckingham suggested that "industries set out to exploit genre conventions...it...makes sound economic sense". Therefore, genre conventions have to be exploited in order to provide economic benefits to media institutions, the only way to get revenue is by showing the audiences something they enjoy watching. Another theorist, Schatz claims that there are genre cycles- so if the genre is made repetitively, audiences will eventually become bored of the same, in order to maintain an audience, industries have to reinvigorate, therefore making new sub genres. Horror has many sub-genres and the gangster genre has evolved. Also, if genre becomes too cliched audiences will lose interest, an example of this is Scary movie. This reflects Steve Neale's theory of 'repetition and difference'. He declares that “genres are instances of repetition and difference” (Neale 1980). He adds:  “Difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre” - mere repetition would not attract an audience.

8) Written feedback-



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