Narrative in advertising: blog task

Nothing beats a Londoner

  • Todorov: equilibrium
Throughout the clip we see how Todorovs theory has been used. The equilibrium would be how everyone gets on with their daily routine, and them slowly the problem develops. It is clear that the problem is causing a barrier between what they want to achieve (disequilibrium). However, these different characters are able to reach a new equilibrium because they restore order by being determined on reaching their goal.
  • Barthes: enigma and action codes
We can also see how Barthes theory has been applied. One obvious enigma code would be at 55 seconds where the girls says that she has to "fight her family". This will leave the audience pondering why. Also, an action code would be when the young boy at 12 seconds says that he has to "run two miles just to get to training". This makes the audience in questioning of figuring out if the boy gets to training.
  • Levi Strauss: binary opposition
This clip is made up of many people, which results in binary opposition. At 52 seconds we can see how the young black male is playing basketball and telling his dilemma, but then this is interrupted by a young black female at 52 seconds. The binary opposition here would be male vs female. Additionally, another binary opposition would be between classes. At 55 seconds we can see the girl punching cardboard faces. By the way she is talking her family sound like they are middle class, whereas she is interrupted by a white male, who is portrayed as higher class- this is illustrated clearly through the use of a typical stereotype, he is canoeing on the River Thames. 

2)The advert uses celebrities and less well-known people to create short stories in the advert to engage with the audience, they may find it easier to relate to someone of their standard instead of just being influenced by just celebrities. Obviously, the celebrities are used in this advert to promote the brand. Overall, both types of people were used because Nike just wanted to show how their brand can help you achieve what you want and be the best, just like the celebrities, sort of like a juxtaposition between the celebrities life-what you can become, and less well-known people-aspire to be the best/what you are currently.

3)They used many technical codes to create narrative to connect with the audience. One is the camera work. In the article it says "We all wanted to have fresh ways of showing sport tricks". They used a 360 degree camera to connect with the audience because it created "interesting distortions", this way the audience will keep interested. For the dunk they used 3 cameras to represent how crowded the place is, the audience will also be able to experience the "feeling of hardship with all those balls around".  This creates narrative as it shows how sports people feel under pressure in hard situations. Additionally, the use of technical codes has created a mise en scene in the video, which creates the vibe Nike are intended.- "freewheeling and fun chaos". They have used many locations, such as parks, streets and buildings to create a sense of diversity, not just representing one type of person but a whole lot, including minority groups. This may connect with the audience because it's inspiring and makes celebrates the younger generation. Moreover, the editing is done to a very high standard, this is because the narrative moves swiftly into the other, this may connect with the audience because of the continuous narrative as it's easier to understand.

4) This advert represents London as a culturally diverse place, this can be seen through the use of different ethnic backgrounds. It also portrays how London is accepting of people who are usually marginalised by society, for example there are a lot of black people used in this advert and they are presented as positive. Additionally, London is represented as a place where people are very active and fit so they will reach success. Moreover, it represents people from different areas of London, the minority groups, not just the elite people with wealthy backgrounds.

5) This advert may appeal to an audience because it uses an engaging narrative which lures the audience in and as a result they may be interested in buying the products that the brand sells/advertises. Another reason of why this advert may be appealing to an audience is because it adopts the urban lifestyle of London. In particular, it may be targeting the younger generations due to the frequent use of slang and including celebrities rappers such as Big Shaq.


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