Gender, identity and advertising: blog task

1) The examples Gauntlett provides of the "decline of tradition" are:
  • The traditional view of a woman as a housewife or low-status worker has been kick-boxed out of the picture by the feisty, successful 'girl power' icons. 
  • Meanwhile the masculine ideals of absolute toughness, stubborn self-reliance and emotional silence have been shaken by a new emphasis on men's emotions, need for advice, and the problems of masculinity. 
2) Gauntlett suggests that the media influences the way we construct our own identities. An example of this is a magazine, they promote self-confidence and provide entertainment and give the reader information about sex, relationships and lifestyles which can be put to a variety of uses. Additionally, Television programmes, pop songs, adverts, movies and the internet all also provide numerous kinds of 'guidance'. Gauntlett claims that "The media provides some of the tools which can be used in this work."

3) The Score hair cream reflects the generational differences that Gauntlett discusses because we can see how the hair cream advert was made in the same year homosexuality became decriminalised (1967), and according to Gauntlett"Surveys have found that people born in the first half of the twentieth century are less tolerant of homosexuality". Therefore, we can see how people of that time were opposing to homosexuality, and so the media tried to influence society. However, the Maybelline advert reflects the generational differences Gauntlett discusses because we can see how the advert Manny is gay and Shayla is a curvy mua. These go against the stereotypes of models.

4) Manny and Shayla may be good role models because they can change the way people think of minorities in society. Role models have become prominent in influencing identity and personality. These role models are usually digital influencers.

5) The Score hair cream advert provides a good example of traditional masculinity because we can see how the male is portrayed as dominant and predatory. The use of the power dynamic between the man and the women is significant in showing patriarchy, to further reinforce this the man are looking up at him in an admiring way and wearing revealing clothing which reinforces the male gaze, ultimately making them look submissive and reinforcing masculinity as superior. Additionally, the deliberate use of  the phallic symbol illustrates masculinity as the leader and predatory. This could be linked to Gauntlett's discussion of whether masculinity is in crisis because in 1967 homosexuality had been decriminalised so adverts tried to promote masculinity as superior and persuading how you can have everything in life if you are male.

6)The Maybelline advert indicates to audiences that they can 'lash like a boss' regardless of their gender. There are still views of traditional masculinity in advertising however they come across as more subtle as the view of masculinity has changed over time. Therefore, in regards to masculinity not in crisis we can see how digital influencers are here to steer and to help others find their meaning of masculinity.

7) In some advertising, such as print, we can see how males are portrayed in a similar stereotypical way, for example in ahealth advert you would see them shirtless with a perfect body and in clothing they would wear clothes that complimenttheir figure (muscles). These are conventional views of masculinity.
However, platforms such as social media, have allowed males to interpret masculinity in their own way. It gives them a choice to present themselves as a different person.

8) In my opinion, I believe that advertising is introducing 'girl power' in the sense that they are empowering women and portraying them as independent. An example of this is the army/RAF advert. However, advertising still gives examples where women are depicted as submissive and dependent, e.g., wearing make up to attract the attention of others. So traditional values are still portrayed in traditional mass media advertising.

9) I agree with Gauntlett's argument as I believe that there is now gender fluidity in societies which allows traditional gender roles to be eliminated. As a result, younger generations are comfortable with social changes because they are the ones that use social media (platforms) which creates a liminal space, therefore allowing them to be whatever. The Maybelline advert reinforces this because they are showing a different representation of a man. Whereas, the Score hair cream challenges this because during those times people lived in patriarchy.

10) Firstly, the Maybelline advert shows the changing 'diversity of sexualities' that Gauntlett suggests because it illustrates Manny as someone who goes against traditional male gender roles due to him being a gay male. In contrast, the Score hair cream was an advert from 1967 and in that time period the media reinforced traditional gender roles.

11)The examples that Gauntlett provides for the changing nature of gender in society are:

  • CK One- their slogan is 'for a man and a women'. This immediately stands out to the audience because the product is unisex.
  • Impulse deodorant and Kronenbourg- played with homosexual desires to illustrate that there is gender fluidity.These heterosexual ideas of gender by emphasising the androgynous characteristics.
12)The Maybelline advert can be linked with Judith Butlers idea of gender being replaced with multiple forms of identitybecause in this advert we have Manny Gutierrez, a male who is gay and applies make up. This highlights how there can be a different construct of masculinity. These have created liminal spaces between the traditional gender constructs.

13)Before the digital media was around, traditional media dominated the audiences. The Score advert had control over audiences. They didn't have any power to regulate or turn to other advertisements. By contrast, nowadays we have social media which can be used as a platform to reach to a wider/niche audience. Also, we can regulate and control what we want to watch. As a result, we are in control. This is reinforced by the Maybelline advert because Manny and Shayla are Youtubers and  combined have a mass amount of followers.

14)Advertising is a good example of contradictory elements because the media may be providing challenges to certain stereotypes such as the portrayal of Manny. The audiences are able to have their say which means that neither are that powerful but are allowed to express their opinion about certain things. There are challenges to the stereotypes because no there is no reinforcement of the construction of identity but its more liberated as a result it provides more of aindistinct image.

15)Both adverts provide changes in attitudes in gender and sexuality because the two adverts show a great difference in how gender used to be constructed and how it has changed. The Score hair cream was made in a time period where people lived in patriarchy. Also, during this time period the media had to enforce gender roles to a large extent, as reflected through the advert we can see how there is a power dynamic between the male and females. However, now as time has developed there is gender fluidity, meaning that a different interpretation of gender is accepted. An example of this is Manny Gutierrez, he is depicted as challenging the traditional gender stereotype as he is shown to be putting on make up.


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