Men's Health - Audience blog tasks

Men's Health Media Pack

1) The magazine introduces itself by giving some background information on what Men's Health is, and what it contains. How they can change and improve a person's lifestyle.

2) The introduction suggests that the representation of masculinity in Men's Health is hegemonic. This is because they have used an exaggerated version of masculinity by showing a man with large muscles, it also focuses on more stereotypical elements of masculinity.

3) The print statistics of Men's Health compared to GQ and Esquire is much more higher. This indicates that because Men's Health has a larger target audience, it has a larger readership, sales and circulation.

4) The difference between circulation and readership is that:

  • Circulation: the actual number of copies printed and distributed.
  • Readership: an estimate of how many people read the magazine in total (also known as readers-per-copy).
5) The circulation of Men's Health in thousands is 180. The readership of ABC1 men is 643. The readership of AB men is 321.
6) Generally, readers interact with the digital version positively. This is because the digital version of the magazine is accessed more by mobile phone than any other technological devices and have 562,000 monthly unique users
7) Social media: 1,200,000 monthly users.562,000 Monthly unique users (Comscore) ; 1,200,000 Monthly users (GA) ; 1,943,000 Monthly page views (GA).
8) The audience profile for Men's Health:
"Men's Health readers are affluent, intelligent and successful."
  • 905K are ABC1, aged 25-44.
  • 700K have a degree.
  • 200K earn over £50K.
9) The Men's Health fashion philosophy is:
Men's Health readers spend £1.1bn on  fashion a year (more than 3 times that of GQ).
10) The average watch collection value for Men's Health is £4,123. The statistics about watches suggests that Men's Health audience demographics is ABC1, largely middle class. Also, the psychographics is mainly Aspirers and Succeeders, with some Mainstreamers and Explorers. This is because the magazine focuses on products that reflect a certain lifestyle such as fashion, watches, grooming, fitness and cars.
11)75% of Men's Health readers use moisturiser daily which means the consumers of this magazine like to take care of themselves, both inside and out. This shows less of a traditional, hyper masculine representation. 
12)Regarding the Men's Health audience for fitness and technology, they would be middle class men as they invest a lot into their health.
13)The three brand extension magazines are: Urban Active, Synchronised and Epicure. Urban Active is a sports-luxe fashion magazine showcasing the continuing trend for high end performance fashion approval. Synchronised is a magazine focusing on watches. Epicure is about food and drink, focusing on restaurants and kitchen skills for the man interested in cooking from scratch, provenance and fine dining. 
14)The demographics and psychographics of the Men's Health would most likely be middle class, ABC1. This is because they invest a lot of money into their health and fitness.
15) Additional brand extensions Men's Health offer are:
  • Survival of the fittest-biggest adventure, urban race series in the UK.
  • Developed a range of premium products

16) Global Statistics:

  • International Editions 37
  • Countries Published 60
  • Global Circulation 4.5M
  • Global Readership 26.7M
  • Websites 25M
  • Uniques 23.7M
  • Social Media footprint 19.3M
17) The 2017 calendars editorial edition suggests that the Men's Health audience are intrigued by them. This is because they release one month before.

18) The audience pleasures offered by the magazine are:
  • Surveillance: This is because it informs the men on what they need to do to be fit and healthy. It teaches them what to do for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Personal identity: This is because the readers may see themselves reflected through what they see.
19) The lifestyle and job I would expect a Men's Health reader to have would be something which provides a luxurious life, so in the ABC1 category and middle class.

20) Men's Health has managed to stay profitable because they have diversified themselves on platforms such as social media, so they have a wider audience. They have loyal customers.


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