End of year 1 exam: Learner response

1) WWW: Very comprehensive answers, focused well on questions.
EBI: More industries info, especially Q8.


Q1 additional point/theory:

  •  Roland Barthes- Enigma and Action codes,
  •  conventions such as the cover lines, I
  • intertextuality. 
Q2 additional point/theory/CSP reference: 


  • mise-en-scene
  • camerawork
  • editing
  •  the bell boy analysis
  • LGBT movement and equal rights.
Men's Life-

  • the male gaze
Q3 additional point/theory/CSP reference: 

  • genre theory,
  • black lives matter movement
  • disagree for LTTF, not very postmodern.
3) Essay Plan:
  • INTRO: Both postmodern to an extent- create meanings and get messages across.
  • P1 BILLIE JEAN: Intertextuality- costumes, reference to gangster movies of the 1950s- film noir. Setting/stage, reference to 1950s musicals. Pathway- reference to Wizard of Oz- 'yellow brick road'.
  • P2 BILLIE JEAN: Bricolage- kuxtaposition of old and new texts. Goodwin- performance featuring artist, new idea would be his dance movies-link to MTV, first black artists music video to feature on that channel-revolutionary. Copying of copies an notions of looking.
  • P3 BILLIE JEAN: Pastiche- Chiaroscuro- film noir, positive references to 1950s culture.
  • P4 BILLIE JEAN: Narrative-link of lyrics about allegations, media-isation, link to Strinati.
  • P5 LTTF: Not conventionally postmodern, subverts aspects of Goodwons theory.
  • P6 LTTF: Bricolage, juxtaposing old and new ideas, conventions. Floating black square significance. 
  • P7 LTTF:  Jameson – “historical deafness”: audiences increasingly learn history from media
    representations of historical events. Here, Common educates audiences about slavery, mass
    incarceration and Amendment 13 through the song and video. But is this an accurate
    representation of history?
  • CONC: Postmodern ideas used to create meaning and get messages across to audiences.
  • Two benefits of vertical integration: Greater control of the production process, and lower costs and higher profits.
  • Definition of diversification: Diversification is when a media company branches out into a different area of the media industries.
    For example, many media companies have had to diversify to internet-driven distribution (e.g.
    streaming) as a result of new and digital media.

5) Question 8 NEW paragraph:
Moreover, in Capital we can see how the global nature of the television industry is reflected because of its multiculturalism. Capital is a show which is based on real life events and places, so it uses narrative realism. They have used the nature of global London perhaps less of the global TV industry. This is because Capital is a State-of-the-nation drama largely aimed at British BBC audience who understand cultural references to house prices. However, the fact that it uses an ethnic diverse cast and a narrative it can be seen as reflecting the global nature. This is because it talks about issues such as immigration, class and financial crisis. While entertaining their audience, they are also informing and educating, which completes the BBC's remit -"to entertain, educate and inform". By doing this, audiences are lured into watching the programme.


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