OSP: The Voice- Story 2

1) Theme: Entertainment (Arts & Culture)
Title: Marvel comics to be placed on public transport – FROM TODAY!
Celebrating their 80th anniversary Marvel drop memorable comics for public to discover on the tubes, trains and buses including Spider-Man’s first appearance, a first look at Black Panther and a mother-to-be, crime-fighting Spider-Woman.
3) Summary (inc. quotes):
  • Marvel comics will be distributed among public transport among the country for the next month to celebrate 80 years of Marvel.
  • Influence on popular culture
  • "Issues for people to find and read include reprinted copies of Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962) which introduced the world to Spider-Man for the first time; Fantastic Four #52 (1966) which introduced Black Panther into the Marvel Universe; Astonishing X-Men #51 (2012) which marked the first same-sex marriage in mainstream comics; Captain Marvel #14 (2013) which includes the first cameo appearance of Kamala Khan, who would become Marvel’s first Muslim female Super Hero to lead her own series; and Spider-Woman #1 (2015) which follows Jessica Drew as she balances her responsibilities as a parent by day, and her duties as the Super Hero Spider-Woman by night. "
  • "introduce new audiences to the origins of the characters and stories that have influenced pop culture"
  •  "helped fight prejudice, and has always strived for equality."
  • “The real success of Marvel Comics comes from the fact that those flights of imagination always have one foot rooted in reality, and for 80 years readers have been inspired to imagine and fight for a better world alongside their heroes.”
  • Gives a list of 10 comics that have been influential
4) How or why this story appeals to an audience:
  • Audience pleasures: nostalgia
  • Personal identity: re-forms bond with comics and old marvel characters.
  • Personal relationships: people who are 'fans' of Marvel can get together etc
  • Diversion: entertaining story-lines
  • Surveillance: learn how Marvel has impacted our reality
5) This reflects the values and ideologies of The Voice as it informs on issues. 
I wouldn't call this quality journalism, I would say this is click-bait as it doesn't correlate with its mission statement, has nothing to do with celebrating black community, but all to do with entertainment. 


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