Paul Gilroy - blog task: Factsheet 170

Factsheet 170: Gilroy – Ethnicity and Postcolonial Theory.

1) Gilroy suggests that racial identities are "historically constructed"  and "formed by colonialization, slavery, nationalist philosophies and consumer capitalism"

2) Regarding the causes and history of racism"Gilroy is saying that racism isn’t caused by race, racism causes race. Racism is not caused by the clash of two or more races – racism is not a natural phenomenon. Instead, Gilroy states that racial difference and racial identities are the product of racial oppression. Racial identities are caused by historical conflicts that have brought different groups into opposition."

3) Ethnic absolutismis a line of thinking which sees humans are part of different ethnic compartments, with race as the basis of human differentiation.
 Gilroy is opposed to ethnic absolutism as it is "counter to his argument that racism causes race."

4) Gilroy views diasporic identity as "Gilroy sees black identities as a product of movement – the African diasporic identity is based on ROUTES taken throughout history, and not the ROOTS of origin. Gilroy sees this as a diaspora that cannot be reversed, unlike the classic position which offers the myth of returning to the place of origin. For Gilroy, the Black Atlantic diaspora is irreversible because the experience of slavery irrevocably changed the diasporic identity. It cannot be ‘rewound’ to a state of cultural purity and cannot return to Africa as the place of origin has changed – the place of origin doesn’t exist as it did before diaspora."

5)  The dominant representation of black Britons in the 1980s:

  • "external and estranged from the imagined community that is the nation" - relating to the concept that Black Britons were often outsiders in society and felt like they didn't belong.
6) Gilroy argues diaspora challenges national ideologies. There are some negative effects of this which are exclusion, marginalisation and exposed to regressive ideologies.

7) First activity on page 3:
  • The media acts as a means of communication between those who are apart of the same group/ going through the same process of Diasporic Identity. 
  • An example of this is the use of social media networks such as Twitter and blogs as a liminal space for these groups to come together and connect with people who they feel may represent them well.
8) Gilroy suggests that slavery is important in diasporic identity as its such a major part of culture it can't be ignored. You can't go back in time as there have been so many changes.

9) Double consciousness refers to the idea of having two modes of perception - it provides more ways of understanding the world. This idea of double consciousness also refers to the fact that black people often feel as though they are looking at themselves through the eyes of others. This can be applied in the US as black people are often misrepresented or presented in the way that white audiences perceive them to be. For example, presenting them as uncooperative, aggressive and violent individuals - whereas in reality they are nothing like this.

10) Hidden Figures- trailer- Second activity on page 3
  • This trailer attempts to challenge 'double consciousness' and the sterotypes of women as it presents them as strong individuals who are gifted in their academics and are able to handle their personal and academic lifestyles.
  • This contrasts with the stereotypical representation as usually black American women are presented as having a lower intellect level.
  • This challenges the idea of 'double consciousness' as it gives a voice to the black women. 


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