Y13 baseline assessment learner response

1) 31/40 B+ 
WWW: Numerous references to media theories; use of media terminology.
EBI: More structured references to Q1, 3 points with 3 examples. Balanced response for Q2- both sides- evaluate.

2) 3 ways I didn't say:

  • Life Hacks offers educational content by addressing issues listeners may not know much
  • about such as sexual health or mental illness. These are topics that listeners may not be willing to seek help with due to social stigma so the BBC helps fulfil its educational remit by allowing listeners to contact the show via text, phone or social media to share their problems. 
  • The use of a qualified doctor, Dr Radha Modgil, gives the advice authority and is in keeping with the BBC’s place as a trusted public service broadcaster.

  • 3)

    Gerbner's Cultivation theory: useful or not useful? Why?
    • Audience as indoctrinated- useful as it showed how high frequency viewers of the media were more susceptible and that it would affect their beliefs and attitudes rather than behaviour.  
    • Not useful as it just shows how the newspapers were threatened by the rise of radio.

    Frankfurt School's Hypodermic Needle model: useful or not useful? Why?
    • Audiences were vulnerable and passive and believed everything they heard- useful as they instantly believed the stories. 
    • Not useful as The Frankfurt School’s hypodermic needle theory is arguably supported by the reported audience panic following the War of the Worlds broadcast in 1938. However, this theory has been widely discredited and considering a media audience as ‘empty vessels’ is overly simplistic and not useful.
    Stuart Hall's Reception theory: useful or not useful? Why?
    • Stuart Hall’s reception theory is arguably more useful than traditional effects theories in analysing audience reaction – some would have believed it (preferred reading?), other sections of the audiences would have challenged or rejected it entirely. Even then, was Welles’s intention to genuinely panic listeners (i.e. the preferred reading)? This is questionable.

     Essay plan for the 25-mark:
    • Introduction: Both have been successful in attracting their target audience despite the impact of digital media on traditional print industries to an extent.
    • Paragraph 1:  MH is a lifestyle magazine, aimed at men 20s and 40s. Psycho graphics succeeders, aspirers and mainstream.- diversfied.  Produce online website , suggesting how they have evolved with digital age. Free content online. 
    • Paragraph 2:  MH's content. Free online. Nowadays men are more interested in their appearance, fashion and quality (watches).- metrosexuality. Eliminates competition.
    • Paragrapgh 3:  MH Social media pages and create an online environment. Cover model Vin Diesel, he is well established. Hegemonic masculnity (Connel 1996)- muscles and physique offers an aspirational image.- "passport for good life" (Belinda Wheaton). #SLAYWINTERBLUES- tackling mental health, creates a manosphere. 
    • Paragraph 4:   Oh Comley is a niche magazine aimed towards explorers, aspirers and reformers. Alternative content. Fourth- wave feminism, women as desexualised and dominant. 
    • Paragrapgh 5: Oh Comely, articles on gender fluidity. Cover model is andrgynous.
    • Conclusion:  Both are successful, MH have diversified. Oh Comley discuss issues like gender fluidity and feminism.
    5) key skills/topics I want to work on in A Level Media this year before the final exams in June:
    • Have more structure to my questions so i have my answers starlight to the point, concise and accurate.
    • Evaluate my responses.
    • Don't overwrite for questions which are worth less as i lose time for my longer answers.


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