OSP assessment learner response

1) Grade: A

WWW: Some excellent writing, great examples, very well revised, loads of theory, AND synoptic CSPs.

EBI: Quite a nuanced conclusion which is good but still needed developing a bit. 

2) Q1:
  • Google presenting its smart speaker as a ‘natural’ part of home life will be strongly rejected by audiences concerned with data, privacy and the power technology companies such as Google have in modern western societies.
  • Some audiences may reject the stereotypical gender roles with a mother playing with the two children and no father in shot (presumably at work). This arguably reinforces negative and outdated gender stereotypes.
  • Negotiated readings could include an acceptance of a warm picture of family life – plus the potential usefulness of the speaker – despite concerns over how the device uses data and the growing power of companies such as Google and Amazon.
  • Industry point of view
  • Google represented as unthreatening, safe and a natural part of middle-class family life.
3) Q2:
  • Teen Vogue is owned by Conde Nast, a major global media conglomerate. Despite this, Teen Vogue has run stories against capitalism (‘How I Can Critique Capitalism — Even On an iPhone’). Does this make Teen Vogue hypocritical – or worthy of praise for offering a wider range of values and ideologies?
  • Elaborate my conclusion.
4) Q2- Essay Plan:

  • Both The Voice and Teen Vogue agree to a certain extent
  • However both media producers do leave room to question this.
The Voice:
  • Website, initially created in 1982, weekly publication in response to the Brixton rallies- reflect a positive representation of their culture. Owned by GV Media- Afro-Caribbean. Create an online platform. Reference to 'Oh' such as the cover model.
  • Should be successful in creating their own values and ideologies. Poor construction of website- lack of social media presence and dead links.
  • "Double consciousness"- dominated by a narrow range of values and ideologies which are dominated by white people. Black British identity. Parallels with Common's LTTF- exposed to racial stereotypes.
Teen Vogue:
  • 'Little sister' to Vogue, owned by Conde Nast. Print publication initially however due to the decline in print it closed in 2017 and became online. Now is more progressive and political.
  • Clay Shirkey- 'End of Audience.
  • Activism- 'BlackLivesMatter'- woke and inclusive.
  • Replicating mainstream values and ideologies- placing importance in beauty and appearance suggests that they are regressive and capitalist.Use narratives in their stories- commodification of left-wing politics. Links with Vin Diesel.
  • Both believe in progressive movements but still reinforce and replicate mainstream ideologies, such as women's appearance. 

5) Next time I will:
  1. Look at the industries point of view
  2. Ellaborate my conclusion
  3. My own examples- to reach an A*


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