Paper 1 PPE learner response

1) No feedback.

2) I met my school target grade, but I didn't meet my personal target grade. I needed quite a few marks to achieve my personal target grade.

3)  Q1: 
  •  Marks: 6
  •  Additional points: composition, different textures. The syntagma of visual and verbal contexts.
  • Marks: 7
  • Additional points: issues such as censorship, both address issues of identity and contested issues of representation. Marissa: provocative and challenging and 'the voice of the Philippines'. Common: social action and race issues.
  •  Marks: 7
  • Additional points: fantasy elements through special effects and mythic backstory. 
  • Marks: 16
  • Additional points: Both show gender as a simulacrum, an image without the original. They are essentially hyper-realities. Jean Baudrillard.
  • Marks: 2
  • Additional points: Vertical integration (A): A company owns different businesses in the same chain of production and distribution.
  • Marks: 1
  • Additional points: Attending fan conventions, creating fan art and engaging in 'cosplay'.
  • Marks: 7
  • Additional points: emphasises difficulties independent filmmakers face.
  • Marks: 12
  • Additional points: WOTW- remains a kind of ‘cause célèbre’ for the study of
    media effects. The product is multi-layered and multi-authored: H.G. Welles adapted by
    Howard Koch, directed and narrated by Orson Welles. it could be assumed that any reading that took the product as literal truth is oppositional (though this could be challenged if it is considered that the ultimate goal of the producers was to create publicity). An interesting
    aside in the age of ‘fake news’.
4) 20 mark essay plan- Butler.

  1. Introduction: 
  • Maybelline- subverts the idea, it is non-binary and 'gender-queer'.
  • Score- uses dominant and conventional representations of gender.
    2. Maybelline:
  • 2017 digital campaign
  • First male brand ambassador- MannyMUA, along with Shayla Mitchell. They have a combined of 5 million followers on social media.
  • Shayla- dominant stereotype of women- link to Gauntlett.
  • Manny is gay so is 'performing' his gender- challenges the orthodox role.
   3. Maybelline:
  • Avery- gender fluid identity.
  • New and digital media has allowed the individual the agency to construct their identity- link to Jenkins.
  • Gauntlett theory- 'gender is at constant change'
   4. Score Hair Cream:
  • Made in the 1960s, same year homosexuality was decriminalised and 3 years before equal pay.
  • Patriarchal society, women were marginalised and subordinate, only for male voyeuristic pleasure- reinforced in the advert. Women are semi-naked and looking up and the solo male is glamorised. There is a power dynamic. Theory-Gelfer- stage 1 masculinity. 
   5. Score Hair Cream:
  • The male gaze (1972)- Mulvey. The women are depersonalised.
  • Winship theory.
  • Stereotypical conventions- Berger, reflect the insecurities.  
   6. Conclusion:
  • Score- Butlers theory is useful as they use stereotypes.
  • Maybelline- subverts this idea de to the increase in new and digital media. 
5) 5 topics/areas I will prioritise:
  • Life Hacks- evaluating skills, how it reflects the BBC's remit and example of change in media landscape.
  • War of the Worlds- evaluating skills, audience effects.
  • Unseen skills- how to bring all my theory together to make sense of the unseen- e.g. like synoptic links.
  • Music video- cultural and political contexts and how to link them to ideas in the songs. 
  • Cultural industries- learn key definitions and be able to identify them in relevant CSPs.


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