Newspapers: Story 2- The i website

1) Title: GCSE and A-Level exams could be delayed because of coronavirus school closures
Date: 8/03/2020

2) Summary: The coronavisus could lead to a delay in GCSE and  Level exams becaus of the urged school closures and meetings are taking place to see what is the best possible solution. 

  • I would say that this is hard news because it is about education and health.
  • Immediacy, familiarity, amplitude and surprise.


  • Personal relationships- The i has a younger audiences readership so they will be intrigued in what will happen about their exams. 
  • Surveillance- being informed about the consequences of school closures, useful for parents to know the details.
4) This reflects the values and ideologies of The I because they are inclusive in their news stories so have something for everyone. I would say this is an example of quality journalism because it is informing us about important impacts, however, it could be seen as clickbait because it doesn't actually specify what will happen so you could say that the title is misleading. 


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