Newspapers: Story 3-Mail Online

1) Title:  Millions of workers stay at home as commuters find car parks empty and train carriages deserted as coronavirus crisis grips Britain

Date: 13/03/2020

2) Summary: Millions of workers stayed at home due to the coronavirus threat- trains, buses and other forms of transport were all empty. They will be working from home. The PM warned people to stay at home for at least 7 days if they have 'flu-like symptoms'.

  • This is an example of hard news- global/national threat. Talks about the government action.
3) Appeal to audience
  • Personal identity: Everyone is worried about COVID-19. 
  • Personal relationships: people are coming together to help fight the virus.
  • Surveillance: what symptoms to look out for.
  • This newspaper is important as it has a duty to inform the people about the current status.
4) I think that this is an example of quality journalism because it does speak facts and figures and does talk about government action plans. It informs the people on issues that are really important to be announced.


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