Newspapers:The future of journalism

1) Clay Shirky argues that 'accountability journalism' is important because it can highlight and force people to take responsibility for their actions. He uses the example of pressure on the Catholic Church after investigative journalism exploited Father Georges actions.

2) There has been a shift in the relationship between newspapers and advertisers since WW2. Advertisers found other outlets such as Monster and Craigslist. 

3) Shirky believes that the formation of newspapers is 'industrial' and that people in the digital age are interested in bulk content from social media platforms not news websites.

4)  The child abuse scandal with the Catholic Church may have been different if the internet had been widespread in 1992 because it would have had the same reaction as the Geoghan case, there would have been a rapid and wide spread online.

5) Shirky argues against paywalls because it becomes inaccessible to people with lower income and limits their news intake. This would create a social divide within society.

6)  Social good: a group of people get together and do something for themselves.
This can be linked worth journalism as it refers to the idea of 'end of audiences' and mass    amateurisation. 

7) Shirky says that newspapers are 'irreplaceable' because of their role in society. Any other alternative would just damage the decline in newspapers and end in a catastrophe.

8) I believe that it is very important that major newspapers to stay in business because it is a trusted medium in society and people relay on newspapers to give them true news. It is even more important in the digital age as there is a lot of fake news around and the fact that people live in their echo-chambers makes them more susceptible so having something trustworthy you can relay on is very vital, especially in this digital era. 


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