Newspaper regulation: blog tasks- MM56
Task One: Media Magazine article and questions MM56 1) At its peak, the Leicester Mercury had 130 journalist. In 10 years time Keith sees the newspaper becoming more expensive and have a small circulation. The number of staff will decrease. 2) Regulation isn't the solution to the phone hacking scandal, even though it was illegal . He sees regulation the press is to "tame" them. 3) IPSO: Independent Press Standards Organisation. It was set up in response of the Leveson. IPSO is more powerful than the PCC and can order newspapers to print apologies or corrections on the front page or fine papers. However, it crucially doesn’t act on Leveson’s key recommendation that the regulator is backed by government legislation. 4) He believes in freedom of speech and that audiences have the right to buy or neglect the newspapers. Hew said how Rupert Murdoch is allowed to say whatever he wants. 5) Do you agree with his view that broadcast news should ha...